
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coca-Cola and Dell: Great representation of leveraging products through social media

Coca-Cola and Dell provide great media tricks to use, while being able to enhance a relationship with audiences through social media platforms. Everyone has a story to tell on a day-to-day basis, whether it is about clothing or some nice shoes that someone is wearing.
On PR Daily Adam Brown shared some great advice about successful social media tricks. There are five ways to create tricks to “find the right balance of social media for your business.”
Share your value to prove your value
Social media is a great way to interact with others whether it is communicating through a personal account or business account that is created. “Social media gives the communications and marketing folds something that every C-suite executive sees the benefit of: data.” For example, Dell has a social media listening center that tracks more than 27,000 conversations in nine different languages. The conversations were sorted into 128 different channels, which create the importance of sharing valuable data through the organization.
Remember the 99% rule
When information is being posted to the social media site via Facebook or Twitter, the organization has to remember that the audience is not planning to purchase a product at the moment. Think about the fact that people purchase new computers every couple of years. So don’t provide an information overload with promotional posts because your audience might not want that information all of the time. The organization does not want to make the customer mad.  You should remember that a product can share stories, which can resonate more with your audience than an advertisement.
Telling a story or creating a timeline of your product is a way to keep your audience interested.
Choose the same key performance indicators that your leaders use
When organizations use indicators they must keep in mind that great outcomes could be established. For instance, I am currently a public relations specialist for Innovative Public Relations. On Valentine’s Day a co-worker and I wanted to generate likes on one of our client’s Facebook page. We took the initiative to make a post which stated “Roses are red, Violets are blue, if you like this Facebook post, we might have a surprise for you.” The post was very well received by our audience and resulted in more than 150 likes.
You may have to pony up
Money is what makes the world go around while channels are evolving. Therefore, people have to find out what platform should be used.  Changes are made on a day-to-day basis. There are changes that are made on social media platforms, which mean that organizations will have to promote posts to gain or reach most of their followers.
Think of Facebook as a search engine
Facebook is changing, which seeks an opportunity for others to look at different products that have popped up from an essential like in their news feed. For example, if I like the Coca-Cola page my like will come up on my friend’s timeline, which causes them to look at Coca-Cola’s page and like it as well if they are interested.
“It really tees up an opportunity for us to reinvent ourselves,” said Brown.

The information in this article is a great source that has detailed information about Coke and Dell social media platforms, which are successful internally, as well as externally within the organizations through Facebook and Twitter.
Go like, share, or Tweet about the story. For more information go to

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